2.1 Syncing Files with Git and GitHub#
The code for this class is hosted on GitHub. As I discussed, this code will change from time-to-time. To keep your local copy of the code up-to-date, you will need to sync your local copy with the code on GitHub. In our last lecture, we discussed how we can clone the repo from GitHub and why this is advantageous over simply downloading the code manually. Now, we’ll take advantage of our having cloned with Git by pulling the latest changes from the GitHub repo.
An overview of Git in VS Code#
Let’s now review the major Git concepts, as outlined here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/sourcecontrol/overview
Now, let’s orient ourselves with GitKraken. It will often be easier to view changes in GitKraken than in VS Code, but that’s a preference.
Pulling Changes from GitHub#
Now, let’s pause and sync the changes from GitHub. Follow these directions to do so: https://docs.github.com/en/desktop/working-with-your-remote-repository-on-github-or-github-enterprise/syncing-your-branch-in-github-desktop
This might look something like this on VS Code:
Pause here and make sure everyone is able to sync code from GitHub.